mardi 26 août 2014

Google Fixes Glitch Featuring Mysterious Photo Of Car Crash In Search Results

(Grab via WSJ)

(Grab via WSJ)

It’s unclear what exactly was causing Google’s Image search to return result upon result of a photo showing what appeared to be a car crash with a stop sign written in Russian, but whatever it was, the company says it’s fixed now.

Earlier today, some users reported getting endless photos of one particular car crash in the search results for images, unrelated to the search terms, with the photos also sprinkled throughout other news and other results as well.

The Wall Street Journal’s Digits blog notes that for example, looking for results for “Emmys” pulled up the repeat photos in the news search, which have nothing to do with who won which thing for that show where the guy wears lots of T-shirts and talks about science. And switching to simply “Images” produced a parade of the same image.

But it wasn’t every single search on Google, and it’s not known which words triggered the results or if there’s any connection to a bug or hack attack.

Google apologized for the issue and said it had been resolved.

“Oops–speaking of accidents, we’ve fixed it!” the company said in a statement, via the Washington Post. “We apologize. The least we could have done was show everyone micropigs instead.”

Google Resolves Repeat-Image Problem in Search [WSJ Digits]

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