mardi 9 septembre 2014

Some Jerk Stole Entire Crop Of 100 Onions Grown By Fifth-Graders

By now, we’re unfortunately used to the idea that grown adults who should definitely know better will steal from children — the Girl Scouts have been dealing with cookie-related thefts every season and it’s always a bummer. But come on, swiping an entire crop of onions grown by elementary school kids? That is just low, jerk. Whoever you are.

Fifth-grade students at a school in Maine have reported feeling “sad” that some mean, horrible, no good very bad person stole the entire 100-onion crop they planted in June as seedlings, says

The yellow onions were meant to be harvested and split between a local homeless shelter and to the school kitchen for cafeteria meals. But when they arrived at the onion patch outside the school, every last onion was gone.

“We looked at the onions and the tops were all dried,” one of the teachers explained. “We said, ‘Tuesday after Labor Day we’ll harvest them,’ and we went out Tuesday and they were all gone — the whole bed.”

Not only were the onions going to good use, the kids had spent all year learning about gardening, growing tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes and pumpkins as well. Local farmers brought in produce for the kids to taste test as well, and choose their favorites.

As one student said, she and her classmates were sad to find the onions gone, because that means the homeless shelter won’t have them.

“I hope that the person that did it actually tells us because if they just came and told us, then they wouldn’t be in trouble,” she said.

Hear that, jerkface? Listen to the children, they are our future and you are a jerk.

“We embrace mistakes, but if it’s a mistake that hurts someone’s feelings, we work to get the kids to own it,” their teacher adds. “So if someone were to show up with some onions and say, ‘I’m sorry,’ that would be a huge lesson for these kids. That’s hard to do. That’s brave.”

Reporting Aside: Waterville students ‘very sad’ their onions were stolen []

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