jeudi 4 septembre 2014

This Vegetarian Breakfast Item Totally Looks Like Poo

We don’t want to go around accusing food stylists of doing a bad job, because the people who photograph food, especially packaged and fast food, to make it look edible are doing truly honorable work for the good of capitalism. However, sometimes a delicious part of a packaged shelf-stable breakfast looks like a poo emoji, and someone must point this out.

Here’s the packaged breakfast that came up in reader Gail’s Facebook feed, and she couldn’t just let it go by. Because it looks like poo.


Maybe it wouldn’t have caught her attention at all if we hadn’t just pointed out Hershey’s new logo, and its strange resemblance to the poo emoji. You know, the little smiling pile of poop icon that brings joy and attracts flies to your text messages.

Don’t see it? Maybe this will help.


The thing that looks like a coil of feces is actually a serving of chocolate almond butter, which sounds like it should be my next favorite food. However, that is not what it looks like on the box.

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