mercredi 2 mars 2016

AT&T Is Holding Open Enrollment For Phone Insurance, If You’re Into That

Open enrollment for insurance is the very special time of year when at your job or on a health insurance exchange, you are able to add or drop insurance or change plans for any reason or for no reason. It also exists for other kinds of insurance, like insurance on your mobile phone. AT&T is running an open enrollment period now, if you want phone insurance but failed to sign up within 30 days of buying yours.

Phone insurance isn’t always worth the expense, but if you’re especially accident-prone or your phone is old enough that some kind of problem will inevitably crop up soon, it will most likely be cheaper than buying a new phone. Open enrollment began yesterday, and will end on April 30. Plans that include cloud storage and extra tech support are also available, and multi-device plans designed for households with a lot of phones or tablets are also included.

Make sure that you learn the limits of the plan you sign up for, especially the deductible and any limits on how many times you can file insurance claims per year.

Now Is Your Second Chance – AT&T Open Enrollment Begins Today [AT&T] (via Lifehacker)

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