jeudi 11 août 2016

Judge Forbids Man From Ordering Pizza After Restaurants Report Harassing Phone Calls

When I imagine a world without pizza delivery– wait, stop. I don’t want to go there. I don’t even want to think about where a Florida man is right now, living a pizzaless existence after a judge banned him from ordering pies from any of his local pizzerias.

The judge had his reasons, however, as the man has been charged with harassing local restaurants in Sebastian, FL, TCPalm reports. He’s been charged with four counts of harassing phone calls, two counts of first-degree petty theft, and one count of second-degree petty theft.

Police began investigating in June when several pizza delivery places started reporting the phone calls. Over a three-week timeframe, cops said the man made orders and refused to pay, sending delivery drivers to fake or unoccupied addresses, and calling other restaurants just to say he hated their food.

He allegedly used five different phone numbers to make the calls, as well as fake names, or, in some cases, he’d just refuse to give a name at all. Businesses in the area say they lost at least $667 in food as a result. That’s why, as a condition of his bail, the judge has ordered him to refrain from calling for any more pizza.

“Defendant shall refrain from calling any pizza establishment and/or making any harassing calls or his bond shall be revoked,” the warrant affidavit states.

Lest the man be tempted to call up any other restaurants, police are circulating the word around town with a flyer asking restaurants to get in touch if they experience any harassment.

“His purpose is to haggle either over the price of the food or the quality upon delivery,” police said.

Let’s all take this opportunity to be thankful for the privilege of having pizza brought to us upon demand, a privilege that should not be taken for granted.

Judge bans Sebastian man from ordering pizza [TCPalm]

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