jeudi 11 août 2016

Woman Accused Of Punching Guy Who Thanked Her For Talking During The Movie

Sarcasm may be one of the easiest weapons to deploy when you’re annoyed with someone, but it sure didn’t work out so well for a man who thanked his fellow moviegoer for talking during the entire film.

Police in Indiana say the two were leaving a movie theater early Sunday morning when they got into a fight about her behavior during a screening of Suicide Squad, The Smoking Gun reports.

The man apparently told her, “I just wanted to thank you for talking through the entire movie and ruining it for everyone.” For those unfamiliar with sarcasm, this statement is the opposite of how he felt.

The woman responded by shoving the man and then punching him twice in the face, police allege. A probable cause affidavit says the man suffered “pain, swelling, and watering of the eye,” but that he declined medical assistance and told cops he didn’t want to press charges.

She was arrested nonetheless on a misdemeanor battery charge and booked into county jail. Police say that during questioning, she claimed she pushed the man because he got close to her. And as for punching him, well she just did that because she was expecting him to retaliate against her for pushing him.

Woman Punches Man In Movie Chatter Dispute [The Smoking Gun]

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