vendredi 1 août 2014

Facebook Intermittent Outages, Internet Can’t Even Deal

As the clock struck approximately lunchtime on the east coast of the United States, the unthinkable happened: Facebook outages. Oh, no! How could the Internet cope? On a Friday, no less? Let’s all band together and try to get through this terrible time. …Wait, it’s back up? NEVER MIND.

Naturally, people unable to deal with reality or with doing their actual work turned to Twitter in order to make sure their inane thoughts were being shared with as many people as possible. Though the posts weren’t all inane: hardship led to funny jokes from professional comedians and random people alike about the important role that Facebook has taken in our lives in just a few years.

The #facebookdown hashtag has been a solid source of ranting, self-righteous “I don’t use Facebook anyway” huffing, and entertainment.

It’s funny because it’s true.

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