mardi 21 octobre 2014

Old Navy Celebrating Birthday By Rendering Selfies In Balloons For Some Reason

selfiebrationTwenty years ago, I was impressed with technology that let me print a pixelated version of my own picture on a dot matrix printer in my middle school technology class. I also was impressed with a new Gap brand then in pilot phase, called “The Old Navy Clothing Company.” Now people photograph ourselves daily, and Old Navy is everywhere. The clothing brand is celebrating its 20th anniversary with…pixelated selfies.

By “pixelated,” we mean “rendered in balloons.” The machine is kind of amazing, and we hope that someone figures out a use for it other than marketing.

Here it is in action, along with a demonstration of how it was constructed and the equipment that makes everything work. The machine will render two different images per minute, and will be available for live balloon-selfie-rendering in New York’s Times Square tomorrow, and at the Hollywood & Highland Center in Los Angeles on Saturday.

Wish Old Navy a Happy 20th Birthday, and It Will Make a Giant Balloon Portrait of Your Selfie [AdWeek]

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