jeudi 23 octobre 2014

Town’s Theft Of Hundreds Of Pumpkins Turns Out To Be Misunderstanding Over Pig Food

With all the corn snatching and onion stealing, not to mention previous pumpkin plunderings going on, it’s no wonder the organizers of a town festival who saw an entire pumpkin stash go missing thought something evil was afoot. This time, at least, it was all a misunderstanding.

After hundreds of pumpkins destined to be sold at a craft fair disappeared on Monday and were reported stolen, festival organizers worried over the fate of their pilfered gourds, reports Foster’s Daily Democrat.

The huge bins of pumpkins had been covered and stowed behind the high school, when a local pig farmer spotted them and figured they were unwanted.

The police captain said it was all a miscommunication — the farmer called the school and asked if he could take them because they didn’t appear to be in the best condition.

“He noticed the pallets of pumpkins and said some of them were moldy. He said he has a herd of hogs that would love to dine on them,” the police captain said. “The people at the school had no knowledge that any type of pumpkin was being stored and so the secretary said ‘Yeah, go ahead take them.’ So the farmer did.”

Cue pumpkin plundering scare.

It just goes to show you should communicate when you’re stowing large amounts of produce, the captain added.

“If the festival people had reached out and said ‘Here’s our plan. We’ve left a bunch of pumpkins here and we’re going to try to sell them at the craft fair — they’re out behind the pavilion,’ everybody would have known, but they didn’t do that so the only ones that are happy in this whole thing are the hogs.”

Hurray for the hogs!

Pilfered pumpkins went to plump pigs: Misunderstanding led to Pumpkin-fate [Foster's Daily Democrat]

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