jeudi 24 octobre 2013

Cops Trying To Sniff Out Thieves Who Stole 6,400 Cans Of Baked Beans

Where do you get your baked beans from? Because if you happen to be in England and are buying your Heinz baked beans from the back of a truck in a dark alley from someone who looks like just the type to be an illegal bean pusher, the authorities want to speak with you. Those baked beans could be hot — even before you cook them.

By hot we mean stolen: Police in Worcestershire (yes, like the sauce!), England say thousands of tins of baked beans went missing when thieves cut a whole in the side of a truck and lifted almost two pallets of Heinz baked beans with sausages, reports The Guardian.

The truck had been parked on the side of a ride with the driver asleep in the cab when the thief or thieves stole away with about 6,400 cans of beans.

“Police are appealing for information, especially about anyone trying to sell large quantities of Heinz baked beans in suspicious circumstances,” a force spokesman said.

And also if you smell anything suspicious, say something. Because as we all know, beans, beans, they’re good for your heart, the more you eat, the more likely someone can sniff out suspects.

Thieves steal thousands of tins of Heinz baked beans from lorry [The Guardian]

via Consumerist

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