jeudi 10 octobre 2013

This iPad Child Potty Represents Everything Wrong With America

71iu68qizBL._SL1500_Some kids may need coaxing to get on the potty, but we’re pretty sure that there is never any justification for any kind of system that combines tablet computing and pooping. What adults do once they’re fully potty-trained is their own business, but there’s something terribly wrong about combining screen time and potty time.

The iPad mount “also includes a removable touchscreen cover to guard against messy hands and smudges.” OH GOD

Then there’s this strange promotional video from the manufacturer. The company behind this product, CTA, offers a whole host of baffling tablet-mount toys, including an easel (for drawing apps?) and inflatable cars so parents can…prepare their kids for a future of self-driving cars and playing Angry Birds the whole way to work?

CTA Digital 2-in-1 iPotty with Activity Seat for iPad [Amazon]

via Consumerist

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