vendredi 20 septembre 2013

Spider-Man Would Never Rob A Convenience Store, Insists Roommate

spidermanIt’s not even close to Halloween yet, but a Pennsylvania college student was already out on the town wearing his Spider-Man costume. He visited a convenience store at 1 A.M., and police say that he tried to rob the store. No way, insists his roommate.

“He’s a Spiderman enthusiast,” the roommate told TV station KDKA. “He’s just a college kid and college kids tend to do strange things.” Well, anyone who has attended college or lived in a college town can agree with that, but what happened here if not a robbery?

Police say that the young man ran into the store and asked how much money was in the register. When the clerk pulled out a stun gun, the alleged would-be villain ran back out of the store. Perhaps because his web-shooters weren’t working properly.

Police tracked him down, since keeping the costume on helped. He was arrested and will be charged with robbery.

Police: Man Dressed As Spiderman Tries To Rob Store [KDKA]

via Consumerist

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