If you’ve got experience as a social media professional, this might be your lucky day, as our pals at Consumer Reports are currently hiring for a Social Media Manager.
The Social Media Manager (details on the opening can be found here) will be responsible for implementing and overseeing CR’s social media strategy (which is good, considering the job title). It’s not just about driving traffic back to the various Consumer Reports websites. The Social Media Manager will be charged with the responsibility of inciting conversation and engaging the public. The Manager will also have a hand in making CR content more relevant to audiences on social media networks, and server as ambassador for the company and its brands on these new media channels.
Obviously, the position requires advanced knowledge and understanding of social media and networking platforms and tools, along with a demonstrable history of success in social media campaigns. Community management experience is a must, and experience in public relations and/or marketing is preferred.
For more information and to apply online, CLICK HERE .
via Consumerist http://consumerist.com/2013/09/20/get-your-resume-ready-consumer-reports-is-hiring-a-social-media-manager/
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