vendredi 20 septembre 2013

Pinkman-Up Your House With Actual Props From Breaking Bad

You can ship batter-dipped fried chicken AND blue, high-grade meth in these classy buckets.

You can ship batter-dipped fried chicken AND blue, high-grade meth in these classy buckets.

If you have several thousand dollars sitting around and feel that merely watching recorded episodes of Breaking Bad isn’t sufficient to curb your cravings, then head on over to Sony’s auction of hundreds of bona fide props from the soon-to-end AMC show.

These items — ranging from Tio Salamanca’s bell and wheelchair to Walter White’s badass Pontiac Aztek to buckets of Los Pollos Hermanos fried chicken (minus the actual chicken) — are certified by Sony as the real deal, and thus are commanding a hefty price tag.

For example, the aforementioned Aztek is currently going for $1,000 — that’s 20 times the price that Walt sold it for on the show.

(Tangent: If you’re in the market for a yellow Aztek, our cohorts at Consumer Reports have a bright yellow one sitting in the parking lot that they’d probably be willing to part with, though their might be some emotional attachment by this point.)

For $4,500, you can buy the floating pink teddy bear from season two and the Gale Boetticher-inscribed copy of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, just so you can sit on the toilet and recreate this photo (Dean Norris not included):


via Consumerist

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